
The ESRC Global Poverty and Inequality Dynamics (GPID) research network is an international network of academics, civil society organisations, and policymakers. It was launched in 2017 and is funded by the ESRC’s Global Challenges Research Fund.

The objective of the ESRC GPID Research Network is to build a new research programme that focuses on the relationship between structural change and inclusive growth. Specifically:

  1. What models of economic development will secure rapid economic growth and structural change with an expanding share of national income for the poor?
  2. How are governments to manage the trade-off between structural change and inclusive growth?

You can read more about the background of the project here.

Our network

The ESRC GPID Research Network is directed by Dr Andy Sumner (King’s College London) and co-directed by Professor Arief Yusuf (Universitas Padjadjaran) and Professor Kunal Sen (University of Manchester). It is supported by Dr Luke Schlogl as research associate. The network has academic, policymaking and civil society participants from seven emerging economies and a range of OECD countries.

The ESRC GPID Research Network held its launch workshop on 20-21 April at the Royal Society of Arts in London. The workshop brought together an international interdisciplinary group of 25 participants from universities, civil society and policy making. Its goal was to identify key questions around structural change and inclusive growth for future enquiry by the network.